
Cell Imaging Service—Live-cell Spinning Disk Confocal

As cell research advances, so does the need for cell imaging technology. Today's researchers need a continuous flow of dynamic, long-term experiments on cell migration, interactions, and responses to environmental disturbances that cannot be met by conventional microscopes that can only observe stationary cells. Creative Bioarray' Live-cell Spinning Disk Confocal-based live cell imaging technology can meet your stringent experimental needs.

Name of the Instrument/Platform

Live-cell Spinning Disk Confocal


Specifications 1. Yokogawa CSU22: High-speed spinning Nipkow disk with microlenses 2. Zeiss AxioObserver.Z1 inverted microscope, fully motorized platform 3. Three >40mW solid-state lasers at 473, 561 and 658 nm 4. 3i Slidebook software for intuitive data acquisition 5. Copy of software at workstation for 3D viewing & analysis (also Volocity software for 3D viewing and analysis)


1. Enhanced 3i Marianis/Yokogawa Spinning Disk Confocal enhanced with: 1) Fully motorized with ASI xy stage and fast MAD City Labs piezo-driven z positioner (nanometer resolution) 2) Permanent enclosure with a temperature/humidity/CO2 regulated chamber 3) Ultra-sensitive Roper/Photometrics Cascade II, back-illuminated EM-CCD (512×512) 4) Ultra-fast AOTF switching system to control confocal excitation from three high-power solid-state lasers

Feature Highlights


1. Optical sections or image stack with high contrast and definition 2. Best for moderate and bright fluorescence 3. Low rate photobleaching/ extended cell viability 4. Minute details of points and edges 5. Simple-to-use, easy software 6. Movie loops of 3D displays exportable to QuickTime or Volocity 7. Quantitative 3D analysis 8. Quantitative colocalization analysis

Technical Capabilities

The Live-cell Spinning Disk Confocal-based cell imaging service offered by Creative Bioarray supports high-resolution fluorescence and brightfield image acquisition, enabling real-time recording of data over hours, days, or weeks. If you need our help, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.

Online Inquiry

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a quotation for the item you are interested in.