
Live-Cell Imaging Service—Nikon Eclipse E600

Creative Bioarray has established one of the most complete biological laboratories with extensive, state-of-the-art equipment. We have provided high-quality cell analysis technical support to many customers from around the world. Customer satisfaction is our mission and our technicians supply a one-stop service based on Nikon Eclipse E600.

Name of the Instrument/Platform

Nikon Eclipse E600


The Nikon E600 is an upright widefield/epi-fluorescence microscope equipped with an Hamamatsu CCD camera and controlled by NIS-Elements acquisition software.

Technical Capabilities

Creative Bioarray, as a technology provider in the biology, chemistry, and medicine fields, sincerely looks forward to entering into a partnership with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. Our staff will be at your disposal.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.

Online Inquiry

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a quotation for the item you are interested in.